theonespy abuse and violation

Please inform us! If you are the victim of intrusive & illicit surveillance.

TheOneSpy provides services to deal with digital parenting concerns. Employers can use it for employees monitoring on company’s devices have written consent.

If someone has got TheOneSpy for the sake of intrusive and illicit surveillance, then the license will be terminated immediately. TheOneSpy discourages monitoring without consent and it shall not be used for tracking someone sneakily, and it would consider as violation of the privacy.

If you have become the victim of illicit and intrusive surveillance and someone has kept an eye on your device using TheOneSpy without consent then you have right to report us (abuse/violation) and give us detailed information. From the moment you have submitted us the abuse/violation report to the time we have seen it; we will instantly terminate the violator’s account. We will consider an honor from your side to tell us the story and we will help you out by telling you further ways to prevent incidents like that happen again.

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