How to Crack An Android Password?

how to crack an android password

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People love to lock Android screens to protect their phones from unauthorized breaches. They also try to crack passwords on another phone. You can use pattern lock, digit password lock, and many other lock screen mechanisms.

The question arises, what if you could not get into your target locked target Android phone? You could forget your phone’s pattern lock and digit password. We have received several queries cracking Android passwords, like pattern lock, digit lock, and many more. You can use many ways to bypass the lock screen. We guide you few methods of password cracking and the ultimate way to unlock another phone without an effort.

What is Cell Phone Password Cracking?

Password cracking is a technique that empowers you to access a restricted cellphone locked with multiple passwords or algorithms. It can guess, hack, and obtain the correct password to access the device, which is protected with an authentication mechanism. Cracking passwords is based on several techniques to get the job done. You can guess the password stored against the word list and use algorithms to create a password that matches the target device’s password.

The Best Way to Cracks Pattern/Digital Passwords on Android

TheOneSpy is one of the few Android spy apps that empowers you to hack and crack passwords on target cell phones. The application has plenty of features to monitor and track Android phones without being detected. Users can install it on the target device, giving them one-time physical access, and use its web portal to activate features that can easily crack the password on Android phones.

TheOneSpy Features to Crack Passwords Convincingly

Here are the following password monitoring tools TheOneSpy introduced that you need to know about:

Passwords Keylogger

Passwords Keylogger is one of TheOneSpy’s best tools. You can install it on another phone to do the job.

  • It can record and capture keystrokes applied on the phone.
  • You can get the keystrokes of digit passwords on the target phone.
  • In real-time, users can crack passwords, emails, messengers, and chat keystrokes.

Password Cracker

Password Cracker is the most sophisticated monitoring tool. It can secretly crack digit and pattern passwords on Android phones to unlock the target device.

Passwords Screen Recording

Live screen recorder empowers you to record android phone screens in real-time. Users can record short videos on the mobile phone screen when the target person is using a pattern password on the phone. Further, it will send the recorded video data to the dashboard. You can watch the recorded videos to know about the pattern password.

Top 5 Free Methods to Crack Password on Android Phones

Here are the top free methods that you can use to crack and hack digit/patterns passwords on your target cellphone device.

Method No.1: Dictionary Attack To Hack Password On Android Phone

It is an automated method of feeding a list of passwords and phrases that fit on your target device. The dictionary is about credentials gathered from previous hacks and utilizes frequently used passwords and word combinations. The dictionary attack method is an advanced form of brute force attack. In this method, you can use memorable phrases of Android users as their Android passwords.

Method No.2: Bruce Force Attack to Crack Android Passwords

It is similar to the dictionary attack method. The brute force method uses algorithms that collect the alpha-numeric characters and symbols to create a password for the target device. The best example of a brute force attack is a hacker who guesses the target phone user’s password most relevant to the actual password.  Recycle the passwords used on the target device and then create the latest password applied to an Android phone.

Method No.3: Social Engineering for Cracking Phone Passwords

The social engineering method enables you to trick other Android phone users into thinking you are a legitimate agent. It involves calling a victim and asking for technical support, such as access to the network and passwords, and offering to provide your target with technical assistance. This method consists of fake credentials and identities. It is a standard method, and people try to get advanced techniques.

Method No.4: Rainbow Table Attack to Chase a Password on a Phone

Rainbow table attack consists of pre-computed hashes. Suppose you have a database that collects passwords into md5 (message-digest algorithms) hashes. You can create another database against your target device that saves the used passwords into hashes. Further, compare the password hashes with the other database hashes, and you will get the match and a password.

Method No.5: Guess Technique for Android Password Cracking

The name itself suggests the method, guess. This technique enables you to know the digits and password on an Android phone. People are more likely to use QWERTY, admin, and passwords. They use default passwords on their phones and never change them. You can easily guess the target phone users’ passwords if they are careless enough to reset their default passwords, like 12345, 00000, and others.

Can people Hack/Crack Digits/Pattern Passwords on Android?

Yes! You can hack passwords on another Android phone with a password cracker app. A reliable option is TheOneSpy. This app is floating on the web, but you must find a reliable password cracker for Android to monitor passwords on the target device. Getting the best password cracker to get pattern/digit passwords on your target Android phone is necessary. Password cracking apps can easily access the target device to track every password applied, like patterns and digits.

Is it Legal to Use An Android Password Cracker?

When considering the use of password-cracking apps for Android, it’s vital to understand the legal implications. While it’s legal for parents to use these apps to protect their teens from potential threats, and for employers to secure business devices, it’s important to remember that cracking someone’s password without their consent is a breach of privacy and, therefore, illegal. This is particularly relevant in personal relationships, where using such apps without consent can lead to serious legal consequences.


TheOneSpy is the ultimate Android spying software that empowers users to crack patterns and digit passwords without root. It is the best password chaser software to safeguard teens online and monitor business devices to prevent disgruntled employees from breaching business trade secrets.


Yes, with the help of the best parental monitoring app like, TheOneSpy. You can remotely unlock your children’s cell phone devices with its password cracker feature. 

You can utilize free methods like Bruce Force Attack, Rainbow Table, and Dictionary to unlock any Android phone. But remember, free methods are not reliable and authentic.

Yes, you can use IMEI as a free method to unlock your Samsung devices without worry.

Yes, you can unlock any Android device by installing the theonespy app and using its Android password cracker feature to unlock the targeted devices without being detected. 

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