Is “Digital Revolution” & Technology Cost us to Sacrifice our Children’s Future?

is digital revolution  technology cost us to sacrifice our childrens future

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Since the 21st century has started, we all have seen the rise and the rise of technology such as “digital revolution” and it has spread like wildfire in the entire developed world. However, when the modern century has become 10 years old the rain of smartphones such as android and iOS & computer machines such as windows and MAC and many other technological gadgets and a number of other forms of technology could be seen probably seen in every western household. Then a sudden trendy has come in the world and even the young children have started to own their mobile phone devices connected to the internet.

“Technology spread has changed the course of our lives and how we live, Cody B. Mitchel 16, who is a correspondent from Moree, Australia said that. “There is also the downside of the rise and rise in technology and of the digital revolution, and its use constantly needs to be limited, he added.

Digital Revolution or Connected World

Without the shadow of the doubt, the technology in the shape of the “digital revolution” has plenty of benefits, people use the connected world all day long and today young children are the top of using it all day long using their cell phones and computers devices. Apart from the connected world advantages, it also arouses a host of negative results, especially on the young generation. That’s why we can argue on the statement that is “Digital Revolution” or connected world cost us to sacrifice our children’s future. So, the modern technological gadgets and its connection with the cyberspace can produce concerning consequences of the “Digital Revolution” is its impact on the children.

Digital Revolution or Dilemma for Youth

In the contemporary world where everyone has owned technology in the shape of smartphones of android and iOS and PCs. Including young kids and teens, people all around the world use technology and the digital world frequently. According to the various studies, repeated use of technology and the digital world such as social media apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Yahoo, Snapchat, Line, Vine, and others, particularly young kids and teens, could result to have serious issues. The serious results could be shorter attention spans, substandard memories and last but not least diminished social skills. Unfortunately, this is the shorter list that has become evident in Generation Z that was born between 1995 and 2013.

  1. Online Video gaming or Digital Cocaine

The world’s most respected and famous author and speaker as well, Brad Huddleston says, online video gaming is the second most harmful addictive activity that has found among the children. He has spent the number of years in writing books and in traveling and has spoken the dark side of technology and as well as on the digital revolution. Recently he has come up with A DVD “Digital Cocaine” in which he says spending more than two hours on gaming such as teens spend time on Augmented Reality Games, is similar to take a line of cocaine in the high it produces, quoting from a UK study. “On the other hand, deadly blue whale online game has engulfed a number of kids and teens all around the world.” However, Mr. Huddleston has explained about the South Korean government that has financed numerous “digital detox” boot camps. Parents have to dupe their addicted children who have become digital patients with the use of online videos gaming.

  1. Multitasking or task switching in children

The digital revolution or connected world has produced profound technologically – linked that is known as “task switching”. “The multitasking is a myth, the human mind has developed only for linearly and undertaking a single task at a time, Huddleston further added that. Especially young kids and teens perform multitask activities on the social media platforms make audio or video conversations on the instant messaging app and at the same doing text messages with another person. Task switching seems very easy to do it, especially when kids and teens are perusing online. These types of habits may lead us and children an issue of shorter attention span.

  1. The connected world is dangerous for health

Young kids and teens who spend their time texting, audio, and video conversations, sharing media files such as photos and videos all day long using instant messaging apps on the cellphones. They usually cause serious health issues such as depression, anxiety, and other psychological issues such as sleeping disorders.

  1. Digital Revolution or nightmare for teens

Young kids who owned cell phones and they can connect their devices to the internet could be at serious risk. They don’t bother most of the time that they are sharing their privacy constantly with strangers and often put themselves in real trouble. Let’s discuss how the connected world is a nightmare for young kids and teens.

a) Stalking

When a young teen trapped online by anyone who pretends to be a friend first and wants you to spend time online and then in real-life and stalker do the same thing with a number of girls at the same time. However, stalking can be defined, a pattern that makes teens worried, threaten, nervous and harassed by someone who has complete knowledge of teens schedule and try to approach victim on social media or in the real-life. Online stalkers simply want to meet you in real–life and initially chase you online and then want to meet in real-life for sexual gains.

b) Self-Obscenity

The use of instant messaging apps has made teens share their compromised videos and photos and at the end of the day, the shared self-compromised multimedia can embarrass them fully. Over the years, the infinite number of self –obscenity videos have gone viral on the social media platforms in which a couple of intimate activities have been found. Most of the teens or couples willingly film their intimate scenes for the sake fun and then forget to delete it and due to having a misshape such as loss of cell phone device turns into a major drawback and the founder of a cell phone or thief share it on instant messaging apps. The act also encourages other to portray sexually oriented publications.

c) Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying usually happens over digital devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets.
Online bullies can be bullied by a victim via text messages, audio and videos conversations, multimedia such as photos and videos and via exchanging sexual and abusive arguments. Young kids and teens are the victims of online bullying since the digital revolution has come into existence and they can use the digital world and have communication with the strangers.

d) Blinding dating

Blind dating or uncommitted sex is the modern trend that is progressing among teens using dating apps such as Tinder and Snapchat and plenty of others alike. Connected world enables teens to find out sexual mate online and then they meet them in real life without realizing the consequences such as rape. However, sexting is another phenomenon that has been prevailed among the young generation and they do it all day long using sneaky short texting and sexting even in front of their parents and they sit idle and don’t realize what teens are doing and to whom they are having conversations online on their mobile phone devices.

There is no doubt that we are sitting idle and connecting the world or the digital revolution has made us sacrifice our children’s future. So, we have to take action as soon as possible to correct this apparently dinting issue. We have to lemmatize the number of time children spends in the digital world via digital technology. However, we can use the technology to prevent subsequent generations suffering from digital revolution side effects.

Use parental control software on children devices & stop the unmonitored use of technology

I would say it is a very easy and single most practical solution to decrease the unmonitored use of technology for kids and teens. Parents just need to install the cell phone monitoring app on their mobile phones, gadgets or computer devices. It will enable parents to monitor their digital media activities and they will be able to use IM’s social media tool that makes you view IM’s logs such as chat conversations, share photos and videos, audio and videos conversations and sent WhatsApp voice calls and Facebook Voice messages. Moreover, you can use live screen recording tools and can make short videos of the target mobile phone screen that will help you out to do the live screen recording of the entire trendy instant messenger such as Snapchat screen recording, Facebook screen recording and others alike. Moreover, you can do Chrome screen recording, YouTube screen recording, and email screen recording. Parents can monitor phone calls, record and listen to it, and can save it over the online control panel of the mobile phone monitoring app. Furthermore, the user can view and read text messages sent or received on kid’s and teen’s phone with the text messages spy. The user can view browsing history and get to know what type of websites and apps children have visited and can also view bookmarked websites. Parents can stop kids and teens if they are doing something vulnerable using their cellphone with the help of the remote android controller. It helps you to view all installed apps on the target cell phone remotely, block text messages remotely, block incoming strangers calls, and blocked internet access on the target phone remotely.


Digital revolution or connected worlds have a number of advantages, but it has its downside as well that is continuously harming our children psychologically and physically as well. So, parents need to address children’s unmonitored use of technology with the help of a parental control app for cell phones and computers.

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