Heads Up / Ticker Notification Spy
Now Spy on Heads up/Ticker Notification and get all the general information regarding any activity happen.
With TheOneSpy Notifier, now get access to all the Heads up/Ticker Notification and get an overview of all the activities happen on your target device having the complete time stamp.
How Heads up/Ticker Notification Feature Works?
When user do anything on their device like using a social application, sending or receiving messages and all the activities happen then Tickers appeared on that particular installed application icon. You can manage to track all the Tickers or notification and can view on your control panel. Contact Name/ sent or received Tickers
- Spy on Heads-up Notification
- Check all Ticker Notifications in One Place
- Monitor all Social Media App Notifications
How will Heads up/Ticker Notification feature help you?
Parents can get an overview by using this feature. They will come to know what particular activities kids doing with complete time stamp in terms of messages sent received or delivered notifications. Employers can also make a check by using this feature, in short having less time to make a check on kids or on employers use this particular feature and get complete over view of their activities using TOS app.
Parents stay aware of the fact that what sort of notifications kids and teens are receiving on their mobile phones such as messages app head up or ticker notifications and cell phone calls heads up notifications. Tickers notifications pop up on messages app, phone logs, and many others alike. Parents can come to know the apps on which kids and teens are mostly engaged with at particular point of time.
You can use it on someone else cell phone device in order to have an overview of the target phone activities. it certainly empowers you to see heads up notifications on target cell phone be fault apps such as messaging app, call logs and plenty of others alike. Moreover, you can use cell phone monitoring software to further get access to the calls logs, text messages sent received contact and last but not the least you can record live phone calls and save over the internet.
Employers can use it on the company’s owned devices usually devices owned by the employers prohibited for incoming calls, messages and even for other activities. Therefore, employers can use this tool and remotely get an over view of the employees company’s owned devices by tracking their heads up notification and stuff like that.