Make Your Teen a Responsible User of Technology

teens responsible user of technology

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The spread of technology has gone far beyond what was thought to be possible and every parent tends to have uneasy feelings creeping up their back every time they see their child making use of an electronic gadget and having fun with it. Being tech savvy in today’s day and age is very important however teaching children how they should make use of this technology in a more responsible way is also something which needs to be undertaken by parents. Thus this article will help you in how you need to lay down the rules when it comes to making use of tech gadgets as well as the when and why issue which is usually associated with it.

Exposure to technology is now accessible and acceptable even for younger children as time goes by. However, not a lot of attention or effort is placed on what the effects can be of exposing children to the internet from such an early age. Due to this, it is important that the use of technology by limited in the daily life of your child not only for intellectual, social and physical reasons but for financial reasons too.

Even though your teenager may be complaining about now having a cell phone and what the negative effects of this may be, you should realize that it is your decision to make whether or not your child deserves a phone and whether it is a matter of life and death. You need to understand where such a demand by your child falls on your list of priorities and then make a decision accordingly. Also, take charge of the package which your teen opts for from their cell phone service provider. Many schools have gone so far as to ban the use of smart phones even during breaks which are why a package which has full-time internet access won’t exactly be a good option. If all they want the phone is to let you know about their whereabouts, a basic phone package is likely to be enough. The PC and laptop are enough for using the internet; a phone without internet is thus perfectly fine.

Teenagers consider it to be a dream come true if they are in touch with technology at all times and if they have access to all the latest gadgets however as an adult, you need to be far sighted to know what results can come of this. People tend to become antisocial with the use of too much technology and even become isolated. Due to this, it is important that technology isn’t allowed to rule your life. Boundaries need to be set when it comes to making use of technology.

Lastly as a parent, you need to set conditions as well and while a new gadget is a way you and your teen can bond, you also need to teach them the responsibility associated with the gadget as well as letting them know how you expect them to use the gadget, when and where.

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