Phone tracking has enabled parents to catch online dating teen slang on cell phones connected to cyberspace. Keystroke logging and many other tools can catch teens’ online dating slang to the fullest.
Youngsters are still visiting bars and are more likely to see movies with their significant other. Online dating today has changed. Parents are helpless to recognize teen’s online dating terminologies.
Technology has altered the dating landscape. Today phones allow youngsters to use the internet dating teen slang to go with anyone on a date without their parents knowing. You cannot decode it being parents unless you know about it. Therefore, we unveil top online dating terms for teens to aware parents of how teens are cheating on you for blind dates. In addition to that, how do they use these terms on messages, chats, and live calls?
Parents can specialize in these modern times dating technical jargon for the wellbeing of the teens. Have you heard before the phrases, poly pansexual, breadcrumbing, half-night stand; be my emergency calls, and so on? These are the few dating terms that teens use with their lovers while on the cell phone to dodge their parents.
What Are Online Dating Teen Slang?
First, you need to know about internet dating. It means using a system that allows people to interact with potential connections in the digital space to develop romantic relationships.
Online dating teen slang refers to those terminologies that online daters use while talking to their lovers to convey secret messages. Teenagers use dating teen slang to dodge parents while messaging or chatting with their romantic partners on the phone.
How To Catch Online Dating Teen Slang Remotely?
Before unveiling how parents can monitor and track dating teen slang? You should know about teens chatting and communication slang on mobile. It will help you understand how to use TheOneSpy tracking tools, like keystroke logging, screen recording, screenshots, and social media monitoring.
More than 35% of teens ages 13- 17 get involved in online dating for romantic relationships. Almost 19% of older teens ages 15 -17 are more likely to date than young tweens for romantic relationships.
We are living in a decade of technology that has changed the dating culture and has transformed it into an online dating culture. Online dating teen slang has come up with the advancement of technology. Teens used to of dating teen slang to make their chat, message, calls, and VoIP calls sneaky from parents.
Parents who used to keep an eye on teens’ cell phones manually left confused and helpless while reading sneaky dating terms. Teens are playing with their parents by making their conversations secret.
Teens are using dating terms in cellphone conversations, like “Will you be my emergency call”, and Let’s have Netflix and Chill. Parents would not understand what the secret message is behind the lines. In a situation, like that parents have to use a phone tracker and its powerful tools to catch the sneaky online dating terms to protect teens from hookups and casual relationships.
Why Parents Use Phone Tracker To Catch Online Dating Teen Slang?
Young teens who used to get involved in digital dating without their parents’ consent become victims of dating violence. Most teens interact with strangers online and use dating teen slang to dodge parents and meet with lovers secretly. Following are the reason that parents should track kid’s phone using TheOneSpy app to protect teens from dating violence.
Teens Online Dating Violence Statistics
There are the following stats that parents need to know for sure. These eye-opening stats are screaming to parents to employ tools like keystrokes, screen recording, screenshots, and social media tracking by using the best phone tracking software.
- Only 33% of teens who were in an abusive relationship ever told anyone about the abuse.
- Almost 1.5 million school-going teens become the victim of physical abuse from dating partner in a year
- 1 out 3 girls in the U.S are the victim of emotional and verbal abuse from a dating partner
- 33% of the teens don’t tell their parents about their abusive relationship
- Teens suffering from dating abuse causes drug abuse, suicide, and aggressive behavior
Catching Top 10 Internet Dating Slang Using TheOneSpy App
Parental concerns are on the rise, and teens are using sneaky texting codes on cell phones. Nowadays, parents yet again are clueless about online dating teen slang that teens can use for blind dates.
We have accumulated the top 40 dating teen slang that teens can use online while talking to someone online. Meanwhile, we only discuss the top 10 critical online dating terms that parents can catch on cell phones using mobile tracker app to protect teens from hookups with strangers and online predators.
Sugar Daddy
Sugar daddy is a term that teens use when they want to have someone. Sugar daddies pay their bills, college fees, and all the expenditures of their lives. Sugar daddies ask for sexual means from teens in exchange for their expenses. Most of the teens who want to live the life of their dreams opt for sugar daddies. Mostly sugar daddies are older business-class people who used to trap young girls for money.
Emergency Call
If parents have a read on the phone, will you be my emergency calls? Then they should get to know that someone is asking your teens to have a sexual relationship in the future. So, parents have to monitor the mobile of teens to the fullest to track teen’s conversations, text messages, phone calls, and social media to safeguard teens.
It is a term that teens use when they are on standby, and convey a secret message to their dating partner I am waiting for you. You can respond to me whenever you need me. Parents can prevent teens from such a situation by using secret cell phone monitoring features.
It is a term that teens use when they have sexual desires and want to deliver a sneaky message to their dating partner. In a situation like that, teens want to be in a romantic intimacy, and they send a “DEMISEXUL dating code.
Causal Relationship
As the world is describing itself, someone wants to have a causal relationship. Teens often use this kind of dating teen slang when they want to be involved in an intimate relationship with a dating partner.
The Eggplant Emoji
It is a term that demands sexual Emoji from a lover. If teens are receiving these kinds of dating terms, then parents have to keep an eye on the teen’s cellphone. Parents can monitor and read these messages using spy on SMS feature or mobile screen recorder to prevent teens from sharing sexual suggestive with anyone.
Friends with Benefits (a.k.a. FWB)
Teens use the terms friend with benefits when they want to engage in sexual acts on regular basis. Parents can catch and capture keystrokes used on cell phone messages and social media conversations using keylogger. Mobile phone monitoring app can provide all the keystrokes used on a teen’s mobile.
Half-Night Stand
You may hear a traditional one-night stand that involves a sexually attractive stranger by taking him/her home for a night. When it comes to half-nightstand, it means teens will stay until the sexual activity lasted. Parents need to think before they plan to stay in someone’s house. Tracking phone location in real-time can make the difference to keep an eye on real-time location. Further, keyloggers allow parents to catch teens’ online dating terms to the fullest.
There are number of teens who take interest in all genders to have sex with them despite of their sexual orientation. Lesbian, gays, transgender and bisexual teens love to attract same and opposite genders.
NetFlix & Chill
It is one of the sneakiest dating terms that teens use when they are alone at home. Parents have to take care of teens when they are alone at home, because young teens could tell lover to come at the house and let’s have sexual activity.
We have discussed top 10 the crucial online dating slang out of 40 that parents need to know. Parents can monitor these dating terminologies on the digital phones of teens. Cell phone trackers can protect teens 24/7 at the time and place of your choosing.
Top 40 Online Dating Teen Slang Words
Previously, we have covered teen sexting codes, and our keyword alert feature has made a real difference. TheOneSpy has accumulated the below 40 dating slang that teens were using in messages, chat conversations, and social messaging apps chats. Parents can use the keystroke logging tool to catch all these terms to know whether teens are involved in dating online.
Moreover, parents can use the browsing history, screen recorder, see text messages, and keystrokes feature. It enables parents to see all the dating slang that has been searched on their phones and installed browsers.
We have done our best job to unveil these 40 teens dating slang and now onward it is your parental duty to catch more terms that teens are using for hookups for blind dates. Keep using TheOneSpy features to discover sneaky teen dating slang.
Pronunciation: ay-ro-MAN-tick
Meaning: have feelings of intimate love
Pronunciation: ay-SEK-shoo-UL
Meaning: Without sexual motives
Pronunciation: BENCH-ing
Meaning: Waiting for a partner call to be romantic
Pronunciation: by-SEK-shoo-ULL
Meaning: Interested in Men & women
Pronunciation: BREAD-crum-ing
Meaning: still interested but not willing to have relationship
Pronunciation: KAZH-oo-ull ruh-LAY-shun-ship
Meaning: In a relationship but not committed one
Pronunciation: KAT-fish-ing
Meaning: pretending to be in love
Pronunciation: siss-JENN-der
Meaning: Gender confusion
Pronunciation: KUFF-ing SEE-zun
Meaning: Involved in someone
Pronunciation: KURV
Meaning: feeling of rejection
Pronunciation: KUSH-on-ing
Meaning: Attractive with others than the lover
Pronunciation: DAH-dee
Meaning: Being someone girlfriend but getting paid
Pronunciation: DEH-mee-SEK-shoo-ULL
Meaning: having sexual desires
Pronunciation: DEE-em slide
Meaning: flirt with someone via messages
Pronunciation: dee-tee-ARE con-ver-SAY-shun
Meaning: still trying with someone to be in relationship
Pronunciation: EGG-plant ee-MO-ji
Meaning: sex Emojis
Pronunciation: eh-MUR-jun-see KOL
Meaning: Nightmare date
Pronunciation: FIE-er DOH-ring
Meaning: Responding me too late
Pronunciation: FRECK-uh-ling
Meaning: someone is dating occasionally
Pronunciation: FRENDS with BEN-eh-fits
Meaning: Friends for sexual activity only
Pronunciation: FUK-buh-deez
Meaning: Friend with someone for sex
Pronunciation: GAY
Meaning: Interested in same gender
Pronunciation: GO-sting
Meaning: sudden disappears from a relationship
Pronunciation: HAFF nite STAND
Meaning: leaving stranger after having sex
Pronunciation: HAWN-ting
Meaning: Your X is stalking you on social media
Pronunciation: IN-sell
Meaning: sexually in active but wish to be at sexual place
Pronunciation: KIT-in-FISH-ing
Meaning: sharing fake things on dating profile to impress someone
Pronunciation: LEFT awn RED or LEFT awn REED
Meaning: person has read messages but not responding
Pronunciation: ELL-jee-bee-tee-CUE
Meaning: love for lesbian, transgender, gays and others
Pronunciation: LUV BOM-ing
Meaning: Someone going well in love & change
Pronunciation: MY-cro-CHEA-ting
Meaning: a cheat lover messaging other girls
Pronunciation: NET-flicks and CHILL
Meaning: a home date for sex
Pronunciation: non-BYE-nuh-ree
Meaning: a transgender pretends as she
Pronunciation: OH-pin ruh-LAY-shun-ship
Meaning: Asking lover to be in a sexual relationship
Pronunciation: OR-bih-ting
Meaning: someone stalking you on social media but not interact
Pronunciation: pan-SEK-shoo-ull
Meaning: someone interested in all genders
Pronunciation: FUH-bing
Meaning: Being on date but busy in cellphone
Pronunciation: PIE HUNT-ing
Meaning: Dating only someone’s X
Pronunciation: paw-lee-AM-oh-riss
Meaning: dating with many people with consent of the actual lover
Pronunciation: KWEER
Meaning: Men do sex with all genders
These are the online dating chat slang that teens use to dodge their parents while talking to their significant other on cell phone messages, chat conversations, IM messaging apps, and many more. You can dig out all the new, trendy, and typical dating slang of the teens by filtering the keywords mentioned above into your TheOneSpy online dashboard.
These are the most critical dating slang teens use with their dating partners to meet in person and get involved in hookups without their parents’ consent. Dating is a healthy activity, but the ratio of dating violence is on the rise which harms teens sexually, emotionally, and physically.
Parents should set parental control on cell phones to read text messages, conversations, media sharing, and social media activities. Parents can install TheOneSpy monitoring app on teens’ mobile devices to catch these sneak dating slang to protect teens from sexual, mental, and verbal abuse to the fullest.