Unmasking the Darker Side of Social Media

unmasking the darkest side of social media

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With a rapid change in time, digital media has become a platform for criminal activities, hate speech, misuse, and abuse with no filter and proper control of created content. This leads to disinformation and false propaganda spreading in society, which is challenging to track. The darker side does not stop under a few terms; it’s a long and worse chain that destroys and spoils the upcoming generations. Because our children access social media and use it every hour, that needs to be overcome.

However, teens and kids are at high risk from harmful digital media, which turn into high-level threats. Thus, to highlight the current trends, the fast-spreading dangers need to be analyzed and overcome, and a large scale of violence, digital crimes, and harm needs to be handled with the available and possible sources. So, being vigilant and aware of solution techniques is essential to maintain a secure and peaceful environment.

The Disaster Chain of Social Media

Social media serves as a powerful tool for connecting with the world. As it looks like an innocent and beneficiary platform, social media can ignite a disaster chain that can be out of control. Just because of its viral nature social media content, travel worldwide within a few seconds or a single click and change the original context with by a few predicters. Therefore, the tone of social media has changed drastically in the last five years. It increases the ratio of threats, insults, and superiority and shows that power turns into a hostile and darker side. So, the opposite side releases anxiety, depression, and social media fatigue, which can have more serious consequences for children. Thus, few crucial measures can address the darker aspect of raising social media dangers/risks.

True Crime Stories are based on Social Media Users

The darker and negative side is not under threat; it is related to real crimes by downloading and using TikTok, becoming the most used social media platform in 2021 and 2023.

There is no doubt that social media is glossy and fantasies beyond reality.

The Dancing for the Devil, who manages 7M films and is a member of the Shekinah church. He is an individual who encourages dancers by elevating their influencer status on the TikTok app. Still, the families of individuals who are part of 7M claim that Shinn traps their loved ones/family members because he is an abusive leader.

The second crime story by Document Life in 2021 is the murder of Ana Abulaban and Rayburn Barron, who Ana’s husband unfortunately killed. The murderer has a TikTok account with millions of followers; he recorded his fights and posts and even recorded audio during the murder and the murder seen on his neighbour’s camera. So, this is a domestic violence story turned into social media fame.

Another story of social media influencer, Sania Khan, an American influencer, openly speaks about her abusive marriage. After discussing, she gets support from their audience. This story aims to modernize the abuse and taboos of reclaim.

The Major Drawbacks of Social Media In Teens' Life

Social media’s glimpse hide a shadow of anxiety, depression, and isolation.  

Health problems: the use of social media created problems for mental and physical health.

Mental health issues: A lot of studies prove that social media usage can cause depression and anxiety. The teens who spend more time on digital platforms are near to self-damage and loneliness and can face online bullying as well.

Disturbance in physical health: The usage of modern platforms is not only a cause of mental disturbance but also a cause of physical issues such as obesity, blurry eyesight vision, and others.

Privacy concerns: Teens and kids never understand the consequences of social media addiction, sharing through WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, and other mediums, making them vulnerable to privacy breaches.

FOMO: fear of missing out. A lot of face this experience that leads to stress and anxiety.

Reinforcing Prejudices: Social media gives opportunities to meet like-minded people and connect with a sense of community.

Trolling and abuse: On a serious note, there are some serious problems, such as bullying and trolling, that become the cause of aggression, suicide attempts, and other disobedient behaviours.

Child sexual abuse: studies prove that sexual abuse exists on online platforms. More than 50% of children face sexual abuse between the age of 12-15. This nature makes users, especially kids, uncomfortable.

Holistic media policy: The social media regular authority does not consider users kids or underage. They are fascinatingly interested in grooming the algorithm.

SMF: The negative reactions refer to SMF, which means that many people are exhausted by social media. They feel tired, bored, lost of interest, and disappointed by false and overwhelming information.

Hate speech and toxicity: social media leads to aggression by exploring controversial. Toxicity usually increases due to darker aspects and bullying. People personally attack another post with abusive, rude, and disrespectful comments. It shows a high level of aggression and toxicity.

Bullying and online stalking: social media stalkers visit others’ profiles and collect their information silently. This is a behaviour that requires knowing about others and monitoring their activities from a negative perspective, which can be problematic. On the other, online bullies attack users with the intent of humiliating and disrespecting them.

Measures Are Needed To Handle Social Media's Darker Side

The hostile side requires actions on different levels. These include social media literacy, monitoring techniques, and open discussion/awareness-raising.

Social media literacy: It plays the most significant role in creating awareness about the opposing sides of social media. Moreover, it promotes educational and informational aspects that enhance positive attitudes and skills learning.

Legal implementation: The regulatory authority should measure social media use to limit its side effects. This is a way to control or balance freedom of expression and secure citizens’ rights. It is necessary to combat hate speech, violence, abusive behaviour, and the spreading of false news.

Technical measures: Another way to handle social media’s darker side is to technically secure digital platforms. This includes protecting users’ data and reports on fake news and channels. The introductory check and balance leads to a secure place.

Monitoring technology: with the highest number of darker aspects of social media, we’ve described the possible ways to handle and overcome it. So, this article defines the significance of monitoring technology in handling the burden of negativity on digital platforms.

All worried parents and guardians must try TheOneSpy tracking app to review the activities of their loved ones without being detected. This app also helps track every activity on individuals’ devices. Just get the app and see what they browse (web browsing history), whom they chat with (message monitoring), who is calling, and what about the talk (call recording and call logs), where they move (location tracker), and almost everything.


While social media offers an excellent opportunity to entertain and connect, it also relies on some risks. So, this post highlights the most recent dangers of social media that need to be overcome. The darker side is categorized into significant downfalls, such as mental and physical issues, behavioural issues, and major downfalls by influencers that play a 100% role in spoiling your child’s and loved ones’ lives and careers. So, there is a dire need to underline the holistic side and contribute your part to protect and support your loved ones from the dangerous side by installing theonespy as a proactive tool.

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