The number of devices connected to the internet and used at home is continuing to grow at a fast pace. It is expected that the number of mobile devices available is soon going to exceed the number of people in the world. it isn’t solely laptops, mobile devices or computers which connect to the internet instead there are now other devices as well which include smart TV’s, gaming consoles, smart meters and even fridges which have the ability to connect to the internet.
With such a large number of devices being connected to the internet at home at the same time, maintaining a high internet speed and to get a good performance from the internet for every device can be difficult especially with more and more devices being added to the network. This, however, isn’t the only problem faced when devices are connected to the internet at home.
With a constant internet connection, without supervision and appropriate management, children can have access to the internet all the time, to an extent which parents may not like. It isn’t only that these kids can watch or look at inappropriate things online. How can a parent thus be sure what his/her child is up to when using the internet? Children, while connected to the internet via a gaming console, can actually play games against anyone from the world and even engage in web chats with strangers. It is likely that not many parents are aware of this. Hence, parents don’t only need to monitor the usage of their child’s internet instead they also need to monitor the other devices which they are making use of. With such connectivity, it is important for parents to ensure that parental supervision and control is used for devices connected to the internet.
To keep your kids safe online can be an easy task and certainly not very scary. It is much easier than what most parents may believe irrespective of the amount of technical understanding you may have. Tips on keeping your child safe are easily found and communicated however an additional layer of security is one which tends to get overlooked.
This includes advanced technology which allows parents to set restrictions on the websites which they can log on to and use. This can be done by making use of both hardware and software. Wi-Fi routers, for example, can be controlled by making use of an app which provides parents with live parental controls and allows them to set time parameters on content which is restricted from children. Certain software’s are also available which prevent children from accessing websites which may contain adult content and thus allow parents to have peace of mind while their child is making use of the internet.
This is simply the basics of what parental control is capable of in this ever growing world of internet usage. Teaching and talking to children is a better place to start before checks are placed on them. It is also important to remember that there is always some technology present that can help you in keeping a check on your children.